Fair Dealing Survey Form Because we value your every opinion, our pursuit of delivering to you fair dealing outcomes can’t possibly be complete without your voice. Share with us your thoughts and help us know how we are faring and how we may do better. We spare no effort in ensuring that you, our client, are treated fairly and we thank you for your time answering the following short questions. Step 1 of 6 16% PERSONAL PARTICULARSName:*Contact NoEmail Address FAIR DEALING ONLINE CLIENT SURVEYOutcome 1: Customers have confidence that they deal with financial institutions where fair dealing is central to the corporate culture.IPP Financial Advisory (IPPFA) provided pleasant and courteous service.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly DisagreeYour FAR assisted you in your financial planning with competency.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly DisagreeYou are confident that IPPFA ensures that your FAR has the relevant knowledge to make appropriate plans for your finances.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly DisagreeYou have a peace of mind that the policy/ investment recommended by your FAR is fully catered for your benefit.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly Disagree FAIR DEALING ONLINE CLIENT SURVEYOutcome 2: Financial institutions offer products and services that are suitable for their target customer segments.You do not feel restricted by limited options of suitable products/services that your FAR can make available to you.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly Disagree FAIR DEALING ONLINE CLIENT SURVEYOutcome 3: Financial institutions have competent representatives who provide customers with quality advice and appropriate recommendations.Your FAR took the time to understand your circumstances and financial needs before providing you with his/her recommendation accurately.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly DisagreeYour FAR took into consideration your risk tolerance level in his financial planning for you.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly DisagreeYou were provided with clear and easy-to-understand information about the insurance/investment product offered.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly Disagree FAIR DEALING ONLINE CLIENT SURVEYOutcome 4: Customers receive clear, relevant and timely information to make informed financial decisions.IPPFA dealt with your insurance/investment matters quickly, professionally and within the agreed timescale.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly DisagreeYour FAR contacted you on a regular basis to update you about the progress of your insurance/investment and to review your changing needs.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly DisagreeYour FAR is always easily contactable.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly Disagree FAIR DEALING ONLINE CLIENT SURVEYOutcome 5: Financial institutions handle customer complaints in an independent, effective and prompt manner.When you had a query/complaint, IPPFA attended to it and resolved it in a professional and efficient manner.1. Strongly Agree2. Agree3. Neutral4. Disagree5. Strongly DisagreeYour comments:CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.