The Financial Counselor



As an adviser, one of Joshua Hoong’s areas of specialisations lies in financial counseling, where he helps clients with money and debt issues find their way back to financial well-being.

It is a passion that stems from a life-altering personal experience.

“I know what having no money feels like – the struggles, lack of confidence, and reliance on others. This helps me to better understand what my clients are going through, and also spark hope in them,” he explains.

He recounts his younger days, living from paycheque to paycheque. A spendthrift back then, he even managed to exhaust a five-figure sum inheritance within a short time. Broke and insecure, his turning point came when he suddenly realised that his unsustainably lavish lifestyle would leave him in ruins if he did not make a change. That was when he turned to financial planning which, according to him, completely revolutionised his life. He embarked on a mission to save up and went on to invest his finances, amassing a five-figure sum in nine months.

Joshua adds that he hopes to be a living testament of positive transformation.

He looks back on his experience with a client, a couple who were around the age of 37 then. At that point, they were in the same situation he once was in – living paycheque to paycheque. They also had loans to pay off. However, with his help, they were able to build up an emergency fund and will have a steady stream of income of S$3,750 per month by the age of 60.

“I didn’t start off financially successful. I worked hard, made my money work hard, and was able to bring myself to a comfortable place financially. I hope my personal experience can inspire those whom I come across.” he explains.

Generating Passive Income,

Maintaining Quality of Life  


Six years since joining IPPFA, Joshua is an MDRT Qualifying Member, putting him amongst the top 5% of the world’s top advisers. The Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) serves about 250 clients, who entrust him with over a million assets in total. He helps them to manage risks, plan their investment and estate distribution strategy and more, to grow their wealth without compromising their lifestyles.

“There is a common impression that when one saves money, one has less money to spend – hence affecting his or her lifestyle,” he says. However, as he points out, this is only true for those without passive income.

This is why another of Joshua’s goals as an adviser is to help his clients generate streams of income where the lifestyles they enjoy come from their returns from investments instead of savings.“In this way, they can navigate their way towards financial independence while living lifestyles like before,” he explains.

“Above all, I want to help my clients retire comfortably and with dignity, without having to rely on anyone,” he adds.


“… I want to help my clients retire comfortably and with dignity, without having to rely on anyone”


Always Ready to Better Lives



Joshua is well-recognised amongst his clients for his integrity and sincerity. He commits himself to equipping them with confidence about their financial future, through detailed and extensive financial calculations and situation projections. Through his work, he hopes to give his clients and their families a robust and tailored financial plan that they can use as a blueprint as they find their way to financial well-being.

Joshua’s clients sing praises of his professionalism and drive:

An incident happened at home once which required immediate medical attention for my child. Joshua was very prompt in guiding me on the steps to take in my time of need. Having implemented the right solutions through him, I was able to focus on looking after my child when he was not well without having to worry about any financial burden.

— Mohammad Haireez
Partner @Haridass Ho
& Partners


Knowing how important my family and my business are to me, Joshua managed to strike a balance by customising my insurance portfolio to provide peace of mind and financial security for my family that I desired, in a cost-effective way so that I can pursue my career unhindered.

— Kee Kim Eng
Group Chief Financial
Officer @ Courts Asia


“He commits himself to equipping them with confidence about their financial future, through detailed and extensive financial calculations and situation projections.”


“Over my time of
knowing him, I have
observed him to be an
attentive and caring
individual who goes
beyond service to
extend his care and
time towards events
that concern me
and my family.”


In 2015, during a weekday lunch break, Jacelyn met with an unfortunate accident and Joshua has been consistent and personable in and outside of work. Over my time of knowing him, I have observed him to be an attentive and caring individual who goes beyond service to extend his care and time towards events that concern me and my family.

— Joel Tam
Marketing Director
@ CareGiver Asia
Pte Ltd, and his wife,
Stefanie Phua


Beyond helping his clients, Joshua is regularly invited to speak at multinational corporations in Singapore, on topics such as Financial Literacy, CPF and Government Schemes, and Raising Financially Savvy Children. Moving on, he hopes to touch even more lives through media such as television and radio. Staying true to his commitment to empower others in achieving financial well-being, indeed.



Joshua Hoong

Joshua currently manages over a million of his clients’ assets. He specialises in guiding millennials and families in making financially-sound decisions along different life-stages.

Being conferred the prestigious Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) designation from the American College of Financial Services, he places amongst the few holders to be recognised as Gold-standard Financial
Planners who are equipped in areas of Risk Management, Investment Planning and Estate Planning, amongst others.

Joshua himself was a beneficiary of financial planning, which completely revolutionized his life. Earlier on in his life, he lived from paycheck to paycheck with barely anything in his bank account and through a personal conviction to set things right, he amassed a five-figure sum in just nine months through disciplined saving learning tried-and-tested financial concepts. Due to this personal experience, Joshua is extremely driven to provide adequate financial planning to everyone he meets.

During this process, he will assist his clients in navigating their way towards financial independence, while ensuring that they can still live a comfortable lifestyle as before.

In addition, Joshua has been regularly invited as Speaker in more than 30 companies throughout his career, in order to achieve his goal of raising Financial Literacy. His clientele ranges from Executive Professionals to Senior Management, tailoring Financial Plans around each individual. His timely responses and high level of accountability reassure his clients that their monies are well taken care of. He often goes the extra mile to ensure his advice are time-tested, appropriate, and sustainable.

Joshua spends his free time reading, taking photo-walks, as well as doing mission work running education and feeding programs in Cambodia.

Contact Joshua Hoong at:

Corporate E-mail:

Personal Microsite / Blog Page:

Advisory Group Contact Page:

IPP Financial Advisers Pte Ltd

78 Shenton Way #30-01 Singapore 079120Tel: +65 6511 8888