Ladies! Spoil Yourself the Right Way

There tend to be two extreme categories of professional career women. Those who find themselves borrowing to live in luxury and those who just hoard and sit on idle cash. Either end of the spectrum puts these otherwise capable and intelligent women in a disadvantaged position. It is important to evaluate your spending habits and make lifestyle choices that match your financial position. But how exactly do you go about spending more on what you want with absolute financial confidence?

According to Accenture research, only 52% of the women were confident in their investment decision. Women investors lean towards the conservative side — being risk-averse and preferring long-term goals — many are still not confident in managing their finances. Without clear guidance and a calculated approach in financial planning, ladies may regret lost opportunities rather than enjoy potential growth in wealth accumulation.

“The bottom line is to make money disappear somewhere it can grow.”

The Price of Success

Take a measured approach to keep that fine balance between living your life in style now and having it all in the future. Take the time to build financial knowledge and work the following steps into your daily greatness routine.


Ultimately, women need different priorities and strategies at different stages of their lives. The key is to have self-awareness in financial planning. Know thyself and pace thyself.


Wisdom of Wealthy Women

For the career ladies, what does it take to keep up a professional appearance? To be fit and healthy, it is fashionable to have a gym or yoga membership. To be well-groomed, you pay for facials, eyelash extensions, hair styling and makeup. To prioritise wellness, you fit in a spa session or two. And to showcase success – perhaps to own branded handbags, clothes, shoes, a fancy car and home. As you grow in success, this list will grow right along with you. And it should because you work hard for the money; you deserve it! But how will you keep up? How is this lifestyle within the reach of some women and beyond that of others? The fact is not all women equate material well-being with financial wellness and even if they start with these values earlier on in their careers, at some stage, values change.


Ultimately, women need different priorities and strategies at different stages of their lives. The key is to have self-awareness in financial planning. Know thyself and pace thyself.


List and track your expenses

A tedious process many will leave out, or leave to their accountants. But with Artificial Intelligence these days or simply by using one of the many very well-designed personal money management apps, your pattern of expenditure can be readily accessible to you. You just have to start and get into the habit.

Quality of life is now

There is really no point in saving money to the point that you do not enjoy life at all.

Get close and personal with your expenditure

Scrutinise the way you spend. The analysis will give you a better picture of your spending habits and help you weed out things that do not add value to your life.

Plan to exit in style

Given the fact that the life expectancy of women is 85, four years longer than men, you can anticipate more age-related health issues. Plan ahead to preserve your health and your dignity. As you plan to age with grace, you are also planning to lessen the burden on your next generation —invariably the best gift you can give your loved ones.

Get Passive Aggressive

Many women do not know how to convert their active income into assets that can help them generate money so that they will eventually not need to work for every dollar. Yes, we’re talking about passive income! Enjoying the freedom to indulge with your passive income – that is the dividend payouts from your best investment decisions today. Virtues needed here include patience and delayed gratification too

This is Real Spending Power, Baby!

Financial freedom gives you the option to work or retire.

Start with asset accumulation. Instead of speculating in stocks, accumulate stocks impartially. When the good times come around, it’s not necessary to liquidate. You can rebalance your portfolio. Be like one savvy Korean influencer who bought one Google or Apple share for each of her kids. The bottom line is to make money disappear to somewhere it can grow. Set the financial goal and get committed to it

Remove the money from your sight and enjoy guilt-free spending. That is the right way to spoil yourself!

Invest time and energy to find a professional adviser who can guide you in your journey of achieving financial goals. Anecdotally, my client who is in fixed income sales at a global bank had no breakthrough in money management. After engaging my professional help, she is now in her third year of asset accumulation and is able to see her asset grow steadily. With a skilled partner, you can meet your financial goals.

Contact this Financial Consultant Now


Ellie Kim

Ellie joined IPP in 2015 and is currently a Senior Financial Consultant in ASPEN Advisory Group. After graduating with a Bachelor of Law Degree from one of the top Universities in Korea – Yonsei University, she joined the banking and finance industry. After her stint with JP Morgan, she spent the next eleven years working as a Forex Broker. She experienced professional success in her field of expertise and embarked on her own journey towards financial freedom. This journey is encapsulated in her book entitled “Why I Ditched My Chanel Bag”. Having been a Financial Consultant for the past six years with more than 150 clients, she is poised to lend her expertise and add value to your personal investment and retirement planning journey.


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Forex related services are not provided by IPP Financial Advisers Pte Ltd and is not part of the Financial Advisory Services provided by IPP Financial Advisers Pte Ltd

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